The Loyalist’s Wife–Almost the Day

What’s in a text? Often not very much. The day-to-day minutiae of our lives.

But sometimes, just once in a long while, that sing-song jingle jangle heralds NEWS!

Yesterday my news came in the form of a picture of my wee granddaughter wearing a smile as she held–wait for it–


IMG_7304Finally, a journey which I started six, count ’em, six long years ago is nearing its end. Notice the word nearing. The perfect-bound books are printed, along with snazzy bookmarks and awesome sell sheets and my print/cover/e-book guru is working on the e-formats. But they’re not up on Amazon yet. Be sure I’ll announce in big, bold letters when they are, my friends.

Meanwhile Facebook notices flooded my Inbox this morning in response to my wonderful daughter posting said picture. As I lay in bed checking my iPad, my first smile of the day spread across my face. Thanks to all of you who sent good wishes and offers to buy The Loyalist’s Wife. This day has been a long time coming but your response makes all the waiting and working and wondering worthwhile. (How’s that for alliteration? Now that I’m an author I know neat words like that!)

Here is a peek at the front cover. I’ll save the back cover for another day. Sorry for tantalizing you!The Loyalist's Wife_cover_Mar18.indd

Download your free copy of 10 Ways to Improve Your Writing from the link in the side column!

Coming Very Soon!

The Loyalist’s Wife by Elaine Cougler

29 thoughts on “The Loyalist’s Wife–Almost the Day

    • I’ll celebrate when all the formats are up for both printed and e-books. You know what I mean, Brinda? Thanks for all your encouragement. It means so much coming from a fellow author. 🙂


    • So glad you love the cover because we really worked hard on that. My artist is a dream both for her creativity and for her accessibility to me, a stressed-out author. And another writing friend of mine says it usually takes 10 years for a first book so I guess I’m lucky. The sequel is due out a year from now so I had better get back to writing the rough draft. Thanks again!


    • Seems like forever, doesn’t it, Sherry. I well remember that extreme editing course in Oakville about 5 years ago. How much I had to learn when I went there armed with my first draft. Thanks for your kind words, Sherry.


  1. Vicki brought your lovely new book home from the board meeting you were both at today, Elaine, and it looks GREAT! There’s nothing like holding that first copy of your first book in your hands, is there? What a terrific accomplishment. Keep on smiling…


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