7 Ways to Avoid Writing (But Feed the Imagination)

Sometimes on a frosty Friday when ideas are waning and snowdrifts are waxing, I just get silly.  Today’s post is the result.

1. Sit and stare out the window at the errant bits of white.  The sky is falling, the sky is falling!







2.  Sit and read Sherry Isaac’s Storyteller.  Sherry’s excellent book of short stories was released last summer.






3.  Use scrapbooking software to create a story book just for special wee ones in your life, or for the world.  So much fun. 






4.  Pick up your phone and call your daughter.  You might even get to chat with your granddaughter, too.  That call will make the sun come out for sure!





5.  Go back to the chair above and focus your eyes on your imagine sign, a wonderful gift of love.  Then close your eyes.







6.  Pull out your sticker file and decorate your file folders.  Oops!  I need to buy more.  These are my grandson’s favorites!






7.  If all else fails, use Free Cell for thinking time.  Don’t laugh, I got a great new idea for my ending while mousing around Free Cell!





And that’s why I say this feeds the imagination.  Most of us are too ready to cross off all those to-do’s on our lengthy lists and we need to remind ourselves to let the brain rest, relax and relish the moment.  Guess what I’m doing when I get this posted.

Comment!  Please comment.  And especially tell what creative ideas you’ve gotten when your brain has shut off from your many must-do tasks.

15 thoughts on “7 Ways to Avoid Writing (But Feed the Imagination)

  1. Thanks for the light-hearted suggestions. And, yes, I often use Free Cell-playing to clear my mind of all those niggly have-tos that keep me from writing.


  2. Good point about a relaxed mind, Elaine. I find if my hands are busy doing mundane things, my brain goes nuts trying to amuse itself. I find more than lint in the pockets when I do the laundry.


    • Thanks, Joan. And you’re right about the laundry and other mundane tasks. What can be the bane of my existence–washing floors for the zillionth time–is a marvellous place to let my mind run on, and on, and on.


  3. Elaine, I use #1, and #5 quite often. #7 I use way more than I should. Well at least it’s evil twin Spider Solitaire on three deck.

    I find Music and a long drive are effective for churning the creative juices.

    But that chair does look comfy…


    • Good for you, Dale. Spider Solitaire! Seriously, though, I think we all have our special triggers. Wouldn’t that be an interesting post? Getting a group of 50 writers to write about their best idea generators.


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