2012 in Review: It’s Been a Pretty Eventful Year

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for me and it gave me the idea to do a bit of a retrospective. First, here is the stats report for my writing blog. I was surprised to see which post was the most popular–the one about my brother, Roger, His Smiling Eyes. Rather than talking about writing, this post is an example of my writing and has a compelling title. I suppose those are the reasons it was the most popular post of the year. Something for me to remember.

Here is the WordPress report for those who are into stats. I think it’s pretty interesting to see what stats they have chosen to report and which of my posts were most popular.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 11,000 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 18 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

Some of the other benchmarks of my year include learning a lot about writing through two excellent critiquers and excellent writing techniques through Author Salon. I started book 2 of my trilogy, tentatively titled The Loyalist’s Luck, and went to historical fiction writer, Barbara Kyle’s workshop where we presented our first 30 pages for discussion. I got a lot of excellent feedback and can hardly wait to pick up that project and finish the first draft.

In late summer, after much deliberation, I decided to leave Author Salon and forge ahead on The Loyalist’s Wife on my own. A final work through the manuscript was invigorating and fruitful. In late October, I finished. Then I immediately began sending out a flurry of querries to agents with the hopes of snagging one, a quest I am still on. Self-publishing has also been looming on my horizons and loads of related articles have caught my attention both on the Internet and through LinkedIn author groups.

A marketing course caught my attention in August and I signed up for fellow Canadian, Danny Iny’s course. I learned a lot about blogging, writing for a purpose, and just what I needed to write to attract the audience I’m writing for. I read several books for writers and commented in various places, but the one I read for Joe Bunting at The Write Practice really made sense for me. His book was about writing short stories. I got really excited about going over my 20 or so stories and submitting them. It was energizing. I’ve sent a couple out but need to do more. One I got published in Quick Brown Fox in November.

Just this moment I’m in Victoria with family, chomping at the bit to get writing again, after 2 weeks of very little ass-in-chair time. I am back on my path, know where I’m going, and want to move ahead every day. That elusive book cover is moving closer and  closer. 2013, here I come!

Wishing you all a very productive and energizing New Year!

Consider leaving a comment with your successes for 2012 and wishes for 2013. 

Download a free copy of 10 Ways to Improve Your Writing Booklet from the link in the side column.

20 thoughts on “2012 in Review: It’s Been a Pretty Eventful Year

  1. I haven’t looked at your report yet, but you can guess that I love stats. ❤

    I've enjoyed visiting your blog so much this year. Your blog is one of my favorites. No…really. I saw you shaking your head. Your writing tips are always fresh and I like the format (lists, etc.). Happy New Year!


  2. Hello Elaine,
    I’ve had opportunity to pop in to your posting from time to time in 2012. Keep up the great momentum into 2013, of course you will! Instead of posting all of the places I’ve been, things I’ve accomplished, and people I have met this year, here is simple posting in Cinematic color.

    Follow the LInk>> https://www.facebook.com/yearinreview/grassroots08

    Where eagles fly,
    Don (Greywolf)
    Native American Storyteller and Editor


    • Hi Don
      Looks like you’ve had a good year, too. Thanks for sharing your year in review from Facebook. I love that you’ve taken the Greywolf name as his is a great story. All the best for 2013 right back at you!


  3. Love your blog, Elaine, and I love the variety of articles you produce. You’ve had a stellar year. Great stats! Isn’t WordPress terrific? So nice of them to compile the report for you. But hey, how come Sharon Clare gets to be on there twice??? Of course, if she commented on only one account, she would have toppled my comment score, so, shhh. We’ll keep that a secret!


    • I wondered about Sharon Clare being on there twice, too. The vagaries of computer programs, I guess. Thanks for the lovely comments, Jessica. You are always there for me and I love to read your blog, too. Some day we’ll meet face to face, for sure! All the best for 2013, my friend!


  4. Always interesting to look back to where we’ve been… so long as we don’t dwell on wrong turns or regrets. From your positive attitude, Elaine, any negatives–IF there are any negatives–are flipped upside down in an instant to give you future direction.


    • Thanks, Sherry. I do that flip thing as a means of self preservation, don’t you? Even the bad stuff we learn from and it happens to everyone. The trick is how you deal with it. Wishing you a wonderful new year, Sherry!


  5. It sounds like you’re really moving forward with your stories! Congratulations on your writing progress! I also got the WordPress stats update and it made me realize how amazing this blogging journey is. I’ve had a chance to connect with readers and writers from all over, and I’m so grateful for the community. Also– a huge congratulations on getting published in Quick Brown Fox! Can’t wait to hear more about The Loyalist’s Wife 🙂 Enjoy Victoria with your family! We live in the Seattle area, but we’ve had the opportunity to travel to Victoria several times. It is one of our favorite places.


    • How nice to read your comments, Tara. So sweet of you. I guess geographically we’re not too far away while I’m in Victoria, and we’re also on the same page with our writing journeys. All the best in 2013!


  6. Yes congrats on your Quick Brown Fox publication Elaine!! You are so focused, I love it, you help me as I try to direct my writing path!
    Happy New Year to you and yours!


    • Thanks so much, CA! I’m not sure I have been as focused as I wanted but I have been narrowing my sights a lot these last few months. It helps to keep my eye on my goals instead of all the emails, books, and writing ideas that threaten to divert my attention. I’m sure you have the same trouble but we’ll get it all done. After all we are control freaks, aren’t we? Happy New Year, Carole-Ann!


  7. Hi,,
    Happy New Year, my dear friend. Thank you for the past year where I learned lots about writing from just reading your articles. Of course for me the article that meant the most was the one about your brother, Roger.

    That article showed me a little about your writing style that no other book could show me. So, the article about Roger is number one in my book.

    Take care of yourself and I truly wish you success in all you undertake this year.



    • Thanks so much, Patti, both for commenting here and for being such a strong supporter of me and so many other writers. Your voice of encouragement is such a light in the dark, my friend. Never let it dim.


    • I love that, Urve–“full of purpose, and good energy, and mindful accomplishments”. What a thoughtful, kind wish. I send it right back as you work on your follow-up book. I long to hear the rest of the story!


  8. An amazing list of accomplishments, Elaine. Congratulations! May 2013 bring continued success your way. In my limited experience I’ve learned that whether we self-publish or go through a publisher, we are doing all the promo work ourselves and you’re miles ahead in that regard. You’ve been building your audience for years. I think it’s a great idea to get your short stories out there for the rest of the world to get to know you too!


    • Sharon, you are just the best supporting friend a writer could have. Thank you for always being there for me. And thank you for your positive outlook. All good wishes for you both personally and in your writing this year, my friend.


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